Fulbright Student Award 2025-2026 deadline 14 MAI, 2024: burse adresate studenților în an final de studii de licență, absolvenților și doctoranzilor români, pentru studii de masterat sau pentru cercetare la universități americane, în orice disciplină (cu excepția specializărilor clinice), în anul academic 2025-2026. Detalii: https://fulbright.ro/competition/2025-2026-fulbright-student-award/
Toți cei interesați să se înscrie ne pot contacta direct sau pot participa la workshop-urile și webinar-iile pe care le vom organiza atât în acest martie, cât și în aprilie. Un prim workshop de redactare a eseurilor Fulbright, dedicat potențialilor aplicanți pentru bursele Fulbright Student, va avea loc joi, 21, martie, la sediul Comisiei Fulbright Româno-Americane. Mai multe detalii sunt disponibile aici: https://fulbright.ro/graduate-essay-writing-workshop-march-21/
- The International Congress of Zoology (CZGA), organized by the “Grigore Antipa” Museum in collaboration with the Romanian Academy and the University of Bucharest, and having already had 11 editions between 2008 and 2022, is returning in a new format.
ZoologyCon 2024 will take place from November 6th to 9th, 2024, at the University House of Bucharest, and we hope to bring together researchers in the field of zoology, both from Romania and around the world. The actual congress sessions will be held from November 6th to 8th (Wednesday-Friday), with a documentary excursion on November 9th.
The proposed themes for this year are: Paleozoology Faunistics and Zoogeography Systematics and Taxonomy Evolution, Phylogeny, Phylogeography Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation Valorization of Zoological Collections Citizen Science
We encourage researchers working in “hot” areas of zoology (invasive species, climate change, DNA Barcoding, applications of technologies like NGS or WGS, etc.) to fit their presentations into one of the above-mentioned themes.
Presentations at ZoologyCon2024 can be made in the form of oral presentations or posters, and authors must choose the preferred presentation format when submitting the abstract. Depending on the number of received abstracts, the scientific and organizing committees may propose that a presentation be made in a different format than initially chosen by the author.
The Citizen Science theme will be addressed only in the form of posters and is dedicated to zoology enthusiasts, non-professionals, who make observations of nature within formal or non-formal Citizen Science projects.
Participation in ZoologyCon2024 can be done by registering on the website https://zoologycon.ro/registration/, either for free or for a participation fee, as follows: - Free, if abstracts are submitted by June 30, 2024.
- 100 EUR if abstracts are submitted between July 1 and August 31, 2024.
- 30EUR/day for participation without a scientific contribution.
The decision regarding the acceptance of the abstract will be communicated to the authors by September 10. The participation fee (if applicable) must be paid after the abstract is accepted but no later than September 15, 2024.
Congress participants will receive the congress folder (including the abstract volume), and the organizers will also provide lunch and two coffee breaks on each day of the sessions, as well as the festive dinner on the evening of November 8.
The participation fee (for those registering after June 30) will cover the costs for the urgent processing of abstracts, updating the abstract volume, as well as all logistical costs (prints, catering, etc.) required due to the appearance of participants after June 30.
The fee for participation without a scientific contribution will cover the costs for meals on the respective day, as well as a simplified version of the congress map (excluding the abstract volume and participation certificate).
The fee for the documentary excursion will be paid separately (50 EUR) at the reception desk by those who wish to participate.